Graal VM 0.28 changed a command to run Graal VM Shell

In 0.26 there was graalvm command in bin directory.

$ graalvm --shell
GraalVM MultiLanguage Shell 0.23
Copyright (c) 2013-7, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  JS version 0.9
  R version 0.1
  Ruby version 2.3.3
  Use Ctrl+L to switch language and Ctrl+D to exit.
  Enter -usage to get a list of available commands.
Ruby> 1 + 2

In 0.28 graalvm command has gone. Instead of it, we can use polyglot command.

$ polyglot --shell
GraalVM MultiLanguage Shell 0.28.2
Copyright (c) 2013-7, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  JavaScript version 0.9
  Ruby version 2.3.3
  Use Ctrl+L to switch language and Ctrl+D to exit.
  Enter -usage to get a list of available commands.

It's ok, but I can't use R in this shell. Why?