Entries from 2017-10-01 to 1 month

Graal VM 0.28 changed a command to run Graal VM Shell

In 0.26 there was graalvm command in bin directory. $ graalvm --shell GraalVM MultiLanguage Shell 0.23 Copyright (c) 2013-7, Oracle and/or its affiliates JS version 0.9 R version 0.1 Ruby version 2.3.3 Usage: Use Ctrl+L to switch language …

Participated in JavaOne 2017

I participated in JavaOne 2017 in San Francisco! This was the third time. I really enjoyed JavaOne. This Photo is with Japanese JUG members, Steven, Sebastian and Yolande. Learn about what the #Java Community is up to in an hiilarious comm…

I can't build DDR (ddr.jar) from source


I can't build DDR (ddr.jar) from source because of lack of IBM's JAR files. I cloned OpenJ9 from GitHub. github.com Then I changed directory to debugtool, and executed ant's xml. cd [OPENJ9_HOME]/debugtools/DDR_VM $ ant -f compile_ddr.xml …

have a try on OpenJ9


https://www.eclipse.org/openj9/ OpenJ9 is a JVM. IBM donated it to Eclipse Foundation. it's an only JVM, so we need OpenJDK to use. Setting up is really easy, but OpenJ9 is for Linux only yet. Download an archive from the website and then …