Entries from 2017-05-01 to 1 month

Getting started with GraalVM


Do you know GraalVM? It’s polygot runtime for JVM. I’m very interested in GraalVM. So today I set up it and run examples. Officially Graal is explained as below: GraalVM - New JIT Compiler and Polyglot Runtime for the JVM Graal is a new ju…

Oracle Code Japan Tour in Osaka

My JUG, KanJava had a event of Oracle Code Japan Tour yesterday. Oracle Code Japan Tour has events in many cities in Japan. We had same event last year. Oracle Code Japan Tour | NightHacking 4 speakers had presentations. First, David Delab…

Participated in a panel discussion as a panelist in Java Day Tokyo 2017

In Java Day Tokyo 2017, I participated in a panel discussion session as a panelist. いよいよ #JavaDaTokyo 今年最後のセッション、「スペシャルパネルセッション - 海外Javaコミュニティ・エンジニアは今どんな活動をしているのか?」パネルのみなさん…

My session movie in DevoxxUS

I had a quickie session in DevoxxUS 2017 in San Jose. Here is the movie. www.youtube.com This was the first time of having a presentation in English. But I took many dry runs before I went to the US. Someday I wish I would have a presentat…

talk about KanJava (Osaka JUG) and Japanese culture on nighthacking.com

In Java Day Tokyo 2017, I talked with Sebastian Daschner, who is a Java Champion, on nighthacking.com. Here is the movie. www.pscp.tv I explained KanJava, which is Osaka JUG in Japan I created, and Purikura, which is Japanese Photo Sticker…

Translation of InfoQ's "JCP EC Votes against the Java Platform Module System"

This is a good article about Jigsaw in Java 9. www.infoq.com I’m an official translator in InfoQ Japan, so I’ve translated this article into Japanese. www.infoq.com

JOnsen 2017 Unconference

I participated in JOnsen 2017. JOnsen is a Java Unconference at Onsen in Japan. Many Java Chamions and Experts came from abroad. We discussed about some technical problems and a work style.